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True Potentials Seminars
WCAP has been giving
True Potentials seminars since 1997. These are usually very relaxed and
enjoyable as we meet parents with their children and share our unique
understanding of the biological basis of autism. We are then available
to give one-on-one advice and consultations to
parents with their children.
Our approach is a combined recovery program
using diet intervention, holistic nutrition, relaxation therapies,
behavioral strategies, tied together with a new understanding of
autism taught by people who have lived it and understand it from the
inside out.
We have traveled to India,
Malaysia, South Africa, Europe and USA to give seminars. The typical format is a
one-day seminar that teaches the WCAP approach to autism, and gives an
introduction to our work in diet and nutrition. Following the seminar, we give
individual nutritional consultations. We will stay as long as needed in your
location to give consultations to all who desire them. The basic condition is
that there are enough participants to make our journey worthwhile, and that our
travel and accommodation is arranged.
If you wish to organize a seminar in your area,
please contact us at:
Read about our successful seminars in Malaysia:
Seminar in Malaysia, 2003