Assessment, referral and legal advice

As a PhD qualified licensed psychologist 'QLP', Psy.D Educational or 'School' psychologist, researcher and trainer with 30 years experience with Special Needs, Sandra Desorgher can provide educational assessments and make referrals for Autism, Asperger syndrome and related conditions.

Many parents have to fight for years to get the right diagnosis for their child. For instance, many children with Asperger Syndrome are being falsely diagnosed as 'EBD' - Emotionally and/or behaviourally disturbed - and being placed in school settings which are completely wrong for the Asperger child. This is often done for the benefit of the LEA who do not have adequate programmes for high functioning children with complex needs. Unfortunately these misplacements often aggravate the behaviours of the Asperger child, leading to a deterioration and placement in ever more restrictive environments. Sometimes, the parents are blamed for causing the child's distress, and there are many cases of parents being investigated for child abuse.

If you feel that your child has not been fairly treated by Social Services, you can contact the Commission for Social Care Inspection at:
'CSCI was established as a single, independent regulatory authority that would ensure consistent levels of service and protection for vulnerable people using care services.'
You may also want to contact Family Rights Group:
'Family Rights Group is a national voluntary organisation that advocates for the welfare of children who are in contact with social services from a family centred perspective. At the core of our work is a concern for families and children where children are either removed from their parents, accommodated, or there is a possibility or likelihood of this happening.'

You may also want to take up your case with the Local Government Ombudsman:

Other references:

Assessments independent of the education system, medical practice and social services. With us, the needs of the child and the family always come first. We consider nutritional needs, food allergies, dyslexia, learning styles, emotional issues, sensory issues, as well as the stress the family has often endured. To request assessment and advice, please contact us through email: